Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm having a sale!

I just sold my 3rd, 4th and 5th items in one sale.
To celebrate having 5 sales, I'm having a 5% off sale.
It won't last long, so come on in and save. Items in my Rapid Cart show the most current price, so if what you want comes up there, just click and buy right here on my blog.
 My ArtFire Shop

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Christmas is coming!!!

I love Christmas. As a child, my mother's side of the family always gathered at my grandmother's house for Christmas Eve. We are of German descent and doing Christmas on Christmas Eve came over with the family. I liked my presents, like all kids, but my favorite parts of the whole holiday were the family, the color, the lights and the music. It has taken my husband quite some time to get used to my penchant for beginning some Christmas music as early as July or August. I also love giving gifts, which can be cost prohibitive when hubby can be out of work for 6 months every year.
Christmas is part of some changes online too. I have converted my Etsy to ArtFire and have the Etsy store open only for some possible Christmas shopping on my part.
Now that festivals are done for the year, I have to inventory what came back home with us. With Christmas shopping beginning, I really need to get in gear. I have so many pieces, I could photograph and list 20 a day and possibly still not be done in time.

When I first started out, I took photos as I got the pieces done. Then festivals hit this year and I just couldn't keep up. I read that an ArtFire artisan uses a screen print of their shop as an inventory. Then they just mark off what sells at a show. I think that's a great idea and I hope to eventually be able to do that myself.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am trying to get more in my shop, in the hopes that I will be flooded with Christmas sales. Though it is a long way from having my entire inventory in, please don't hesitate to ASK if you don't see something in your size, color, etc. If I don't have it and it's available for me to get, I'll do my very best to get you what you want. This is my way to give and not have it break my bank or yours. I enjoy my pieces and I hope that you will too.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Festivals and other miscellanea

This last weekend we took part in the Winston-Dillard Melon Festival. It was a frustrating show. We have only made less once before, which happened to be at the same show in 2008.
It wasn't a total loss though. we met some great people and at least it wasn't a long drive to get there.
As I write this, my husband and I are at home, listening to some music by one of the people we met, John Fry. He and his wife Jeanne were really neat folks and are both talented artists. John is a gifted musician who plays some Native American instruments in such a spiritually moving way. He accompanied one of the young ladies on what looked like a flute for her karaoke song. Then the man makes jewelry too! Jeanne makes some of the greatest native dolls. I think they're kachinas. They both put their heart and soul into their art and it shows.
None of us, food vendors included made much money this run. Thank goodness that's not really the most important thing in life.
Chuck, the "Magic Man" came in all three days and kept to kids stocked with balloon animals. The teens are hilarious when he gets to them, because he almost always manages to stump them with one of his little magic tricks. He and my boys have gotten to see each other off and on during the shows this year and in 2008. This time we were close enough to home that about mid-way through day one, Andrew (the oldest) went home with grandma and it was just Anthony (the youngest) there with us. He and Chuck played tag and Anthony watched intently as Chuck stumped one teen after another. This was especially funny since Anthony figured out some of the tricks the first time.
There was a raffle for a John Deer riding mower and some other things like hand tools or gift certificates. We entered, hoping for the riding mower. Anthony helped with the drawing and when we didn't win anything, he was puzzled as to why I was so happy if we didn't win. The reason was that one of the ladies on the festival committee won the mower. I told him that if we didn't win it, then there was no-one else I would've rather seen it go to than Welsie. Welsie Caldwell is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. She was so thrilled. Whats more is that she apparently hasn't driven in 20 years and her friends and family were fussing over her driving the mower. She decided to drive it home! She could've had it hauled home for her in the back of a pickup truck, but she wanted to drive it! I've never seen someone who may be close to my grandmother's age so absolutely giddy over such a thing as a riding mower.
Anthony insisted on showing me a fellow vendor's booth on Saturday and I'm so glad he did. They had some jewelry and other odds and ends. He had hoped they had a Darth Maul action figure that they'd had at the last festival. I'm kind of glad they didn't. He ended up finding a section with little stuffed animals for $2 each. He got a little bunny to add to his rabbit collection. We picked a little bear with a plaid shirt, khaki shorts, a bucket hat and flip flops for Andrew. I however, think I lucked out the best of all. I got a like new, tag still attached, Grateful Dead bear by Liquid Blue. As if that wasn't enough of a steal; he is dressed like Puff the Magic Dragon!!! Puff was one of my favorite songs as a kid and I love Grateful Dead bears! Grand total for three very happy campers: $6!!!
Jack Holland and Mark (?) were our main security detail and are also part of the festival committee. So, except for a few hour of sleep, early in the AM, they were there, on site. I must say, they did well for no more sleep than they got. Jack even went around when it was time to start tearing down, to check on everyone and see if we had any concerns. He knew already that business was bad. He just wanted to give us a chance to go over anything else we might have wanted to touch base on.
All of this boils down to the point that though money is nice and it pays the bills; it isn't the only thing in life, and I'm glad it's not.
So, for John, Jeanne, Chuck, Welsie, Jack & Mark, I want to send out a big THANK YOU!
Here's hoping next year's festivals go better for us all, wherever we may be.
Time to go to sleep now, as it's just about 2am. Tribal Journey by John Fry will take us off to dreamland. Night all!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Im out there in the webisphere!

I have my festivals. They will always be my habit (tie dye) supporting venue.

But, now I have Etsy and ArtFire. I must admit to liking ArtFire best, because I only have to pay the PayPal fees and not 20 cents to list and then more when I sell something. I have more stuff posted on Etsy for now, but thats just because I've been there longer.

I twitter, tweet or however that goes.

I Facebook.

And, now I have this blog!

Somehow, I think my pieces will get exposure!