Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Holiday earrings are listed!!!

 I haven't sold online in a few years and so much has changed with the major selling platforms. After some investigating, I found that I can put in direct links to purchase through PayPal in the listing albums on Facebook. It's different, but it's a good start.

Go to my Tie Dye By Sara Facebook page and scope out the goodies I just posted!

Clip-on styles:

French-hook pierced styles:

Sunday, November 29, 2020

I'm like Frosty. I'll be back again, someday.

I moved into a new place in March 2020, then 2 weeks later Covid-19 quarantine/lockdown hit.

No onsite storage and no garage means my dye work is in storage 10 miles away. My truck broke down Dec 2019 and it's still not running. So, I make due with what got moved to the new house. No wheels makes life super fun in rural America. 

Right now, I have my stock of earrings and today I am researching online selling options, since those have changed A LOT since I last looked. Oh boy!

I'm in a better place, as far as taking pictures goes. Nice blank walls for if I can't take pictures outside, lol! 

It's slow going, but I'll get things listed somewhere, as I have them on hand.