Saturday, July 21, 2012

My view on the homeless, as posted on Facebook

Okay, time to be blunt. 
I know that the homeless are often seen as a "burden" or a "blight" on society. I also know that there are some who wish to move the local homeless camps from down by the river to "anywhere else, just not there." Then some even want them out because they feel that no-one should get to live somewhere for free, when they have to pay bills. So many are all about their 'volunteering.' How about 'volunteering' to work together so we can all live together?
I want to go on record to say that I do not view our homeless as a "burden" or a "blight." I see our homeless as simply another part of our community. I don't think they should move from the river unless they want to. Those camps have been there for decades. A good portion of the 'campers' are vets and/or those who've lost their jobs and had their homes foreclosed upon. They put the little they do have into their 'set-ups' and all they ask is to be left alone.
It's not the entire river and I look at it from a "do unto others" mindset. I don't want to be forced to move because someone wants the property I live on to look like another stinking park for them to jog, walk their dogs and let their kids run unsupervised.
I've heard all about the needles, the trash and the water quality. I've already answered that; low cost coin-op showers, 24 hour public restrooms, trash cans and sharps disposals.
I know for a fact that many of the people leaving their drug paraphernalia or breaking into the nearby homes aren't even homeless at all, they're just junkies who are just fine letting the homeless take the blame. 
I don't know of anyone who wants strangers coming into their home and "cleaning." There are those who feel that they can go and do clean-up without repercussions from the homeless living there. I have bad news, THERE WILL BE. Maybe not when your there, but there will be. I can't say that I blame them.
A young boy was grabbed by the neck by a homeless man at the camps recently, when the man caught the boy in his camp set-up and recalled that a boy matching that description ransacked his set-up the previous summer. This is sad on several  points. First, what was a 12 year old doing running around the camps by himself? Second, I have learned that this same boy was bragging last summer about doing exactly what he was accused of. Third, I can tell you that if someone had ransacked my home, grabbing them by the neck would be the least of their worries. The worst part is that people are putting the ENTIRE blame on the homeless man, who was simply defending his belongings. Violence begets violence, pure and simple.
I'm so tired of the "not in my neighborhood" mindset. You know what? I don't want all those bars and an "exotic dancer" establishment that close to a school or downtown.
If you don't like what I've said. Okay. I don't want to 'hash it out' with you, while you try to change my mind.
There is an "UN-friend" button. Feel free to use it.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Custom order is making me rethink doing them at all!!

01/31/12 (posting did not go through at that time for some reason)

Wrong time for a color malfunction!!! Custom order. Customer requested certain colors and upon seeing pic of finished product, decides that they'd like us to try different colors. Other item they ordered has never been done before and "blank" is ordered from the only source we can find with this exact item. Upon working with item, it becomes sickeningly (expensive) that it is not cotton as advertised or even the "coated" cotton it appeared to be before applying dye. Wait out the flu and short pay period due to Doctor visits and FINALLY do the new colors and hand paint the replacement for the other on a "sure thing" cotton piece. One color seems to be having an identity crisis for the new color choices! Hoping once it's done and dry that it's not as bad as it seems. I may have to do something I've never done before and contact the customer to let them know we just can not fulfill their wishes. Lucky for them, they haven't paid yet. Not so lucky for us. From start to finish, with all of the "malfunctions" we have spent (with shipping) $11 on the "imposter" because I wasn't going to pay $4 shipping for one $3 item, so I ordered 3, with the plan that it'd be what it said it was and I could have more ready if the customer wanted more right away. (a common thing) Now I have 3 polyester messes with badly surged edges. Then for the regular one, multiple trips into town because of Christmas stock issues. Now we've done this one twice, at $6 plus gas. Then, once more for the replacement to be hand painted, $3 plus fabric paint and FIVE hours spent meticulously hand painting a design. All total, without gas, time and dye (since we had it already) $20 spent for 2 items that total $9. Luckily I'm not out for shipping to them, since they were in the US for about a week after they placed the order, then went overseas. Shipping for domestic would have been $7, now it's $20. I'm ready to pull my hair out! I've NEVER had such a time with an order. Not even the Halloween costume for a man who was going as Cher in a tie dyed dress! (I loved that order and wish he'd sent pics!) Product issues just bug the tar out of me! On the up side, it has been confirmed that you can change a leopard's spots. Just have my husband hand paint them on!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Zibbet shop is on vacation for....


I am participating in the online strike against SOPA. It's basis is well meaning, but it is too broad and threatens our first amendment rights in the name of stopping online piracy. Throwing the baby out with the bath water, so to speak.

The strike will be over on Thursday and I will be off of vacation mode. This does not mean that the public should turn off their eyes and ears and stop being aware once the strike is over. I WILL be that one small voice among the multitudes. I WILL speak up for our rights!

I appreciate your patience and I'll see you on Thursday, January 19th!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Moving from ArtFire to Zibbet, pretty painless

Here's the copy of what I Originally posted in the forums at AF.

 "~~~~**~~~ SHOP LIQUIDATION ~~~~**~~~~
*Please note that due to changes in some policies at ArtFire, I will be closing my account before the next billing cycle comes down.

*The last day to buy from me ON ARTFIRE will be January 12th 2012.

*I apollogise for any inconvenience this causes you, but please know that I do it in interest of keeping my overhead down and therefore the cost to you as a customer is more manageable.

*You may continue to buy from me via messaging on Facebook and via email, using PayPal invoicing for paying for your items.


       Thank you."

Then I remembered that I started a Zibbet shop in August, before an onslaught of illnesses and a death in the family. So, I went in and added to the original 2 items in that shop. I added this in the forums:

"UPDATE: I started a basic free shop on Zibbet in August, but due to some family issues that came up right after that, I never go back to it. 

I just imported all of my shop stock to Zibbet.

My new years resolution was to get rid of what doesn't work and keep only positive vibes around.

The switch was pretty easy. I have one or two things in the shop that double posted when I used the importer, but it deletes both when I try to remove the extra. All in all, I'm quite pleased with it. No invasive "themer" for editing my shop design, which is a huge plus. So far admin is pretty cool, only stepping in when someone has a problem or a question and doing so rather quickly.

I've even made a "group" over there. Some of the evacuees on AF suggested a group on Zibbet for those against what we are calling "AssuranceGate." I waited and no one stepped up to make the group. There are others like it for those who've left Etsy and those who were part of the now defunct 1000 Markets. SO, I made AF refugees. Come on in and join us. As of this posting, it has only been a group for 5 hours and we already have 4 members besides

Life has calmed down for the most part around here and now its time to post new things, take pictures of things to post and start thinking about festival season.

You can all find me at:     (I've gone "Premium" now, so I can list more.)

OR just email me if you prefer at:

Hugs and love to you all!
See ya round the bend!